Update: Auditor General Reveals Irregularities In A Sh14.5 Billion CBK Currency Tender

Auditor General reveals irregularities in a Sh14.5 billion CBK currency tender awarded to a German firm without proper oversight. She says the deal, replacing De La Rue, bypassed competitive bidding,…

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Important Maize Planting Steps

Planting maize on a large scale involves several steps, which are summarised below:

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Why some poultry farmers fail in their projects

Poultry farming is a science that needs many role players as well as many different management procedures, which forms the parts of a successful poultry enterprise. If the role players…

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Whenever thinking of poultry farming, Seven things you must need to know

It is very important to critically look at the demand that needs to be met. Is there high demand for table eggs, out grower chicken or broiler meat? Most start-up…

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Eggs Production

EGGS PRODUCTION: Hens lay about six eggs per week, but their productivity declines each year as they molt and daylight hours shorten.Factors that affect egg productionMany factors can affect egg…

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Kenyan Government Warns Citizens About This 26 Job Agencies

The government has warned Kenyans seeking jobs both locally and abroad against transacting with the 26 agencies. The agencies include: Gulfway Recruitment Company Ltd, Royal Capital Placement Ltd, Geoverah Agency…

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