Eggs Production


Hens lay about six eggs per week, but their productivity declines each year as they molt and daylight hours shorten.
Factors that affect egg production
Many factors can affect egg production, including:

👉Light: Hens need at least 12 to 14 hours of daylight per day to continue laying eggs.
Calcium: Hens need about 4 grams of calcium per eggshell, with 2 grams coming from their diet. A lack of calcium can cause hens to produce soft or brittle eggshells.

👉Feed: A well-balanced feed with the right amount of protein and amino acids, as well as essential vitamins and minerals, can help increase egg production.

✍️Nest boxes: Hens should have cozy nest boxes with soft bedding on the darker side of the hen house.

👉Breed:some breeds that are good for egg production include White Leghorn hybrids, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Blue Andalusians, and Ameraucanas/Easter Eggers.

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